Tutorial Datasets and Data Collections

Adding Datasets, Uploading Data Collections and Downloading Data

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Welcome to the GTN-P Database. This tutorial explains how to add a new/edit a dataset.

Note: presently, only national correspondents can add/edit entries in the GTN-P database.

Log in with your username and password (upper right corner). To request a username and password please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

After logging in, find the object your dataset belongs to (borehole: click on „Permafrost Temperatures“ and a list of all boreholes which are contained in the GTN-P Database occur; active layer monitoring site: click on „Annual Thaw Depths“ and a list of all active layer monitoring sites which are contained in the GTN-P Database occur). You can find your borehole or active layer monitoring site by using the search engine. In case if your object is not in the database yet, you have to add it (see Tutorial Borehole; Tutorial Active Layer ; note: check if the site your object is adjuncted to already exists in the database, if not you FIRST have to create the new site: Tutorial Site ).

After you found your object click on „Access data“ and a list of all existing datasets (time series) of the object is displayed.

button access data


Add new/edit dataset:

If you want to edit a present dataset click on „Edit“ (left) and for adding a new dataset click on „Add new“ (upper right corner). Note: presently you can only edit datasets to objects which are authorized by the country assigned to your user account. The „Add dataset“ page gives an overview over the attributes of the dataset. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk and must be filled out. For explanations of the single terms please check the controlled vocabulary . Please fill out the field carefully since, once saved, you cannot change any attributes except for „Policy“ and „Quality Check“.

gtnp database datasets add


Uploading data collections (time series):

After saving the dataset you can add data collections to it. Fill out the fields and insert your data collection by clicking on „Choose File“. Note: your data files must be brought to CSV (Comma Seprarated Values) format and they must comply with our data templates in order to be readable by the database. Find templates here:

Ground Temperature Data Template

Active Layer Grid Data Template

If you have problems with Excel, you can try to solve them changing your computer settings: Click through START MENU – CONTROL PANEL – CLOCK, LANGUAGE AND REGION – CHANGE DATE, TIME OR NUMBER FORMAT. Set your date at the format YYYY-MM-DD. Then go to ADDITIONAL SETTINGS. Set DECIMAL SYMBOL as dot (.) and LIST SEPARATOR as comma (,). Press OK.

You can select or deselect „Publish“ to share or not to share this part of your dataset (only applicable if the Data Policy was set open before).

gtnp database datacollections add

Click on „Save Collection“ when you are finished. Now your data collection has been added and you can look at it by clicking on the dataset (time series) it has been added to. A page opens showing the attributes and statistics of the dataset. The statistics display the minimum, maximum and average value, the number of data and null values as well as the start and end date of the dataset (time series) measurements. You can see all attached data collections and a chart created from your data („Published Data“). Note: if your data format is not compliant with the templates the chart can not be displayed. Please check your data format again.

By clicking on the single data collections the attributes, statistics and chart of this data collection will be displayed.


Downloading datasets:

To download a dataset simply find the borehole/active layer monitoring site it is attached to, click „Access data“, then click on the single dataset in the list and find the button „Get Data“ (General information field). The datasets are downloadable as Excel files.

gtnp database getdata

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