Meetings and Workshops

Material of earlier meetings and workshops:


4th European Conference on Permafrost in Évora, Portugal (18-21 June 2014) (Note: you must be logged in to the intranet to access this page.)

The 4th European Conference on Permafrost, EUCOP 4, was held in Évora, Portugal 18-21 June, 2014. PAGE21 was represented by 26 oral and poster presentations and an active participation in organizing the Permafrost Young Researchers Workshop that took place prior to the conference in Évora. Find here the minutes of the work package 8 meeting which was held on 20 June.


GTN-P Workshop in Akureyri, Iceland (19-23 Feb 2014) (Note: you must be logged in to the intranet to access this page.)

From the 19th to the 23rd of February 2014 a GTN-P Database Workshop is held in Akureyri, Iceland. Boris Biskaborn (Data Manager of GTN-P) and Karina Schollän (Executive Director of the IPA) met Jean-Pierre Lanckman and colleagues from the Arctic Portal to discuss the dissemination of the new GTN-P database. The team discussed the most important provisions of the current state of the GTN-P database and the workload that needs to be accomplished before the official GTN-P database launch coming soon.


Work Package 8 Management Meeting in Akureyri, Iceland (13-14 Sept 2012) (Note: you must be logged in to the intranet to access this page.)

A two-day data management meeting took place in Akureyri, IS, between the WP8 team (H. Lantuit, K. Elger, J.-P. Lanckman, Ævar Karl Karlsson) and GTN-P (represented by H. Lantuit and I. May, the executive director of the IPA).


Work Package 8 Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark (7-8 Feb 2012) (Note: you must be logged in to the intranet to access this page.)

A two-day data management workshop was organized in February 2012 in Copenhagen (DK) with individuals specializing in the technical management of GTN-P datasets. Those included representatives from national and regional databases (NORPERM, Alpine Permafrost Database (ARPA), UAF Permafrost Lab, DUE Permafrost), and the PAGE21 data management team (AWI, AP). The aims of the meeting were

(1) to understand the diversity and complexity of CALM and TSP data and to conceive the DMS accordingly ,

(2) to develop a strategy for data archiving, data management and database organization of the new PAGE21 DMS,

(3) to agree on data delivery and visualization interfaces

and (4) to discuss the respective roles of PAGE21 and GTN-P in collecting data over the 2011-2015 period.


GTN-P Workshop in Potsdam, Germany (10-11 Nov 2011) (Note: you must be logged in to the intranet to access this page.)

The International Permafrost Association (IPA) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) organized a workshop in November 2011 to encourage, facilitate and promote the first steps in the realization of the GTN-P Strategy and Implementation Plan submitted to GCOS and GTOS focusing on:

  • The definition of user requirements definition for an observing network on permafrost based on a broader stakeholder involvement.
  • the standardization of permafrost measurement methods at the international level.

Strategy and Implementation Plan