National Correspondents

The data report within GTN-P is facilitated through the involvement of National Correspondents which have been nominated by their country. These persons are associated with major observing systems and they are representing their nations within the decision‐making at the GTN‐P coordination level.

Excerpt from the GTN-P strategy and implementation plan:

    • National Correspondents shall be proposed by the country.
    • National Correspondents shall foster the implementation of the GTN‐P strategy in their country
    • National Correspondents shall be responsible for stimulating and coordinating the collection of data and reporting by the individual investigators
    • National Correspondents shall maintain tight contacts with relevant institutions and funding agencies in their country and the IPA national Adhering Bodies


Dario Trombotto IANIGLA-CCT CONICET Argentina
Claudia Riedl Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik Austria claudia.riedl(at)
Carlos Ernesto Schaefer Universidade Federal de Viçosa Brazil carlos.schaefer(at)
Antoni Lewkowicz University of Ottawa Canada alewkowi(at)
Louis-Philippe Roy YukonU research Centrea - Permafrost and geoscience, Yukon University
Canada lroy(at)
Huijun Jin Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences China hjjin(at)
Qingbai Wu Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences China qbwu(at)
Lin Zhao Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, CAS China linzhao(at)
Luo Dongliang Northwest Institute of Eco-environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences China luodongliang(at)
Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen Technical University of Denmark Denmark tin(at)
Jan Hjort Geography Research Unit, University of Oulu Finland Jan.Hjort(at)
Xavier Bodin Laboratoire EDYTEM, CNRS / Université de Savoie France xavier.bodin(at)
Philippe Schoeneich Institut de Géographie Alpine France philippe.schoeneich(at)
Michael Krautblatter Technische Universität München Germany m.krautblatter(at)
William Cable Alfred Wegener Institute Germany Bill.Cable(at)
Mauro Guglielmin Insubria University Italy mauro.guglielmin(at)
Atsushi Ikeda University of Tsukuba Japan aikeda(at)
Mamoru Ishikawa Hokkaido University Japan mishi(at)
Ryskul Usubaliev Central-Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences Kyrgyz Republic r.usubaliev(at)
Jamabaljav Yamkhin   Mongolia jambaljav(at)
Ko van Huissteden VU University, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences Netherlands j.van.huissteden(at)
Tanya O'Neill Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research New Zealand Tanya.o'neill(at)
Fraser Morgan Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research New Zealand MorganF(at)
Hanne H. Christiansen The University Centre in Svalbard, UNIS Norway hanne.christiansen(at)
Ketil Isaksen Norwegian Meteorological Institute Norway ketil.isaksen(at)
Grzegorz Rachlewicz Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation Adam Mickiewicz University Poland grzera(at)
Gonçalo Vieira CEG/IGOT - University of Lisbon Portugal vieira(at)
Pedru Urdea Universitatea de Vest, Facultatea de Chimie, Biologie, Geografie Romania urdea(at)
Dmitry Drozdov Earth Cryosphere Institute Russia ds_drozdov(at)
Dmitry Sergeev IEG RAS Russia sergueevdo(at)
Michael Zheleznyak Laboratory of Permafrost Geothermics, Melinkov Permafrost Institute Russia fe1956(at)
Pavel Konstantinov Permafrost Institute SB RAS Russian Federation konst109y(at)
Galina Malkova Earth Cryosphere Institute SB RAS Russian Federation galina_malk(at)
Sang-Jong Park Korea Polar Research Institute South Korea sangjong(at)
Miguel Ángel de Pablo Hernández Departament of Geology, Geography and Environment Science, University of Alcalá Spain miguelangel.depablo(at)
Margareta Johansson Lund University/Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Sweden margareta.johansson(at)
Reynald Delaloye University of Fribourg Switzerland reynald.delaloye(at)
Tristam C. Hales Sustainable Places Research Institute and Reader, University of Cardiff United Kingdom HalesT(at)
Alexander Kholodov Permafrost Laboratory, University of Alaska, Fairbanks USA alkholodov(at)
Frank Urban USGS USA furban(at)


Ingo Hartmeyer
GEORESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft Austria ingo.hartmeyer(at)
Ferestheh Ghiami Shomami Carleton University Canada fereshtehghiamishom(at)
Katerine Grandmont Department of Geography, Université de Montréal Canada katerine.grandmont(at)
Michaela Kňažková Department of Geography at Masaryk University, Brno Czech Republic 263032(at)
Olli Karjalainen Geography Research Unit, University of Oulu Finland olli.karjalainen(at)
Florence Magnin PermaFrance France florence.magnin(at)
Saskia Eppinger Technische Universität München Germany saskia.eppinger(at)
Graham Gilbert The University Centre in Svalbard Greenland grahamg(at)
Murataly Duishonakunov Department of Physical Geography, Kyrgyz National University Kyrgyz Republic dmuratalyt(at)
Sarah Strand University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) Svalbard sarah.strand(at)
Krzysztof Rymer Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland krzysztof.rymer(at)
Joana Baptista CEG/IGOT-University of Lisbon Portugal joana-baptista1(at)
Alexey Maslakov Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia alekseymaslakov(at)
Ruben Ramos Nieto Departament of Geology, Geography and Environment Science, University of Alcalá Spain rubes.ramosn(at)
Cécile Pellet PERMOS Switzerland cecile.pellet(at)
Kelsey Nyland George Washington University USA

Strategy and Implementation Plan